I started participating in a weekly prayer group a few months ago, and the book of Daniel was what we began studying. That particular season in my life was very hard for me. God was prodding at a lot of things that He wanted to get rid of. I was a mess. Everything was just too hard for me and I was done with it. I felt as if God could never get me through all the things that were going on in my heart and life. I was about to give up on it all and even the prayer group I had just started.
Then one day in prayer group, we were reading through Daniel and something struck me. Daniel made a resolve. A resolve is a decision that is purposed in your heart. That night, I resolved in my heart that I would press through and get through this with God. I decided right then that no matter what came against me or how much it cost, I would let God have all of me.
In Daniel 3, Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego made a similar resolve when they were faced with being thrown in the fire. These men were going to be killed; even the guards who were heating the fire were burned. Despite this, these men made a resolve in their hearts that they would serve God only and not back down.
After reading this, I began to see how the Lord was working in my heart. It started with a resolve and a decision to press through, then my coming to a place where I decided, "God, even if you completely mess with everything in my life, I know You are faithful. You are faithful."
The question burning in my heart is, "Are you going to make a resolve before God?" I don't know what fire or issues you're being faced with, but there is one thing I know: pressing into God is the only way. The only way is straight. We have to press through. We have to resolve. There is something that God wants to do in you that can only be done if you press in and determine to be obedient to Him. Let go, and let God be God.
Ashley Dedee is a Third Year student from Albany, NY.
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