Wednesday, September 22, 2010

He is Worthy

With the First Quarter in full swing, the campus is beginning to feel more and more like a family. Students are getting to know each other better but most importantly, each student in his or her own way is getting to know the Lord better.

In this morning’s chapel service, the song of the congregation rose together as we sang, “Worthy, Worthy, You are Worthy, Worthy is the Lord” from the song entitled “Alabaster Jar.” We are taking that proclamation into to the streets of the local city of Utica this Saturday.

Bethany’s students will be participating in the festival “Worship in the Parks: A Tribute to Our Creator.” Two worship teams from the school will take part, as well as Third year student Samuel Torres, who will be one of the featured speakers.

As God has brought us together to this school to become a family, we will now go out and tell the local area and the world why He is worthy. This is only the beginning.

- Stephanie Polivka, Third Year student

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